
Where I’ve been…

Hey guys!!

So I know I’ve been away for an extremely long time. And the reason for that is…university…surprise surprise! It was the end of the year guys, and I had to hand in lots and lots of things! I finally am done though. Everything was so crazy, I can’t even begin to explain. I had lost my usb with all my stuff, but then thankfully found it again (that was just one of my little adventures).

Don’t get me wrong though, I am not making any excuses. That’s just how it is. I was very busy. But I’ve been out of uni for about 2 weeks now. Why haven’t I posted?!?!?! Because I honestly needed a break from thinking, writing, the internet (you know how that is!). I needed to relax and to just not do anything. Get into the habit of sleeping again.

Hope no one forgot about me!! I will be posting something shortly.

Talk to you soon,


Hey guys!

I am really looking forward to Brave! I think it looks really awesome, and although I must admit from what I have seen of the trailer the story looks a little generic, I still really really want to see it. It seems to be very pretty with lots of lovely rich colours. I find that colours often either make me really want to see a film or really not want to see a film. There are lots of nice earthy tones like greens and browns in this cartoon,  and also lovely reds. Obviously I mean the hair. Haha!

The story is that Princess Merida decides to break tradition and it causes havoc in the kingdom. After she is granted a wish, she has to now undo a curse. I honestly can’t wait to see more. Here’s the trailer! Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think.

Who else is looking forward to Brave? Let me know in the comments.

Talk to you later,


Game Glitches That Make You Think You’re Crazy!.

Since Daria and I have such a strong connection!! =P

Hey guys!!

My question for you for today!

Who is your favourite Disney female and male villain and why?

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New Blog!

Hey guys!!

So I created a new blog that is more personal called Naked at daryakai.wordpress.com  go check it out if you are interested. I basically talk about everything. I only have three posts so far but I will be adding more soon. Hahaha.

I am by no means abandoning the cartoon corner, I will still post on here! The other blog is just for me to be able to talk about anything I want. I just feel like the cartoon corner is very specific, so it would be weird if I just posted a recipe or something of that sort.

Please go check it out, comment and subscribe!!


Favourite Cartoon As A Kid!

Hey guys!

I have a question for you! What was your favourite cartoon as a child? This doesn’t have to be your all time favourite (although you can tell me that too) just one of the cartoons you really really liked.  

Here’s my answer:

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Top 5 Cartoon Females!

Hey guys!!! And I am not sure if I actually do mean guys this time around…

Since Valentine’s day is coming up I thought I’d do something fun and continue the exploitation of the female image that cartoons started and let you know my top 5 favourite female characters!

It’s no secret that animated women are (how can I put this nicely) nothing less than a stereotype (that sounds about right).

But! In the spirit of Valentine’s Day (which I think should be a holiday), I thought I would share with you my thoughts (which are actually more my boyfriend’s thoughts… I had to do a bit of research) on who the best female characters are!

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Hey guys!!

So I have a fun post coming up! (Or at least I’d like to think it’s going to be fun). Just wanted to give you a little update on that.

It’ll be a top # list of…. but I can’t tell you what it is! I’ll tell you that it will be in two parts though! 🙂

I’m going to post that really soon, I’m just writing it right now. It should go up sometime over the weekend. I really hope you’ll enjoy it!

Isn’t google pretty today? I thought it was lovely!!  🙂

 Hope your smile is as big as that one!!

Leave me lots of comments and follow my blog!

Talk to you soon,


image - google.com

Just talking…

Hey there!

So this is just another talking post where I voice my concerns, ask questions, and say anything else that is on my mind.

Speaking of questions, can anyone help me out. How do I get that little menu, bar thingy that shows the different blogs I follow/like etc? Thank you in advance for anyone who answers this! You are very lovely!

I think I over use exclamation marks, but I always feel like I want to sound excited. Hahaha.

Regarding my earlier post about podcasts. I think I have a pretty good idea of what I want them to be about. They will appear on a different blog though. I can’t reveal what the topics is yet because I have to okay it first and I don’t want to say something now and then if I end up changing it do a billion follow-up posts about it and have everyone confused. What I can say is some general things. It will be something more personal, a bit more serious (that is of course if it gets okay-ed and I really really hope it does because I have ideas flying around in my mind already). As I said before I will post a link and a little bit about the podcast when I set it up but that won’t be for another month or so, maybe less.

I have this feeling that wordpress is having problems with twitter. Usually after I post something it automatically appears on twitter…not today! This is strange and kind of annoying…

Do you guys ever listen to music and type up your posts? I am doing that now and I have to reread each sentence fifty times because I just can’t concentrate. Is anyone else out there like that? 🙂

Speaking of music… what’s your favourite song from a cartoon?

Well, I think I’m going to go now before I ramble on for five years and everyone unsubscribes. (Why is that crazy girl still talking? :P)

Leave a comment! Follow my blog!

Talk to you soon,
